Hellooooo all! So these guys were humanely aquired and as always all money made goes to animal causes and rescues :) with that in this lot you get 2 Guinea pig hides ...I don't know the grading system for hides so I will say they are craft grade so noooooobody gets mad at me ;) they do have holes or cuts in the furs from my clunky hands ..price reflects that ...they are very thin skinned animals ...also because they are thin skinned I heavily oiled them so when you rehydrate and mount them you hopefully will have an easier time with it without them tearing so easily ...I made these for you guys to mount them :). They have been cleaned and hand tanned ..the paws have been tanned with the bones intact ..the pics I chose are the worst ones of the bunch ;) figured show the worst holes/cuts .. thanks for checking them out :) :). Also for ebay/flaggers these are domestic/nonendangered/rodents allowed on ebay. They are tanned/not a raw skin/not a specimen